Monday, October 31, 2011

FHM Pinoy Horror Death Match

In the October 2011 issue of FHM, they feature a Halloween Death Match that pits several creatures from Philippine myth and folklore against one another. They even matched up characters from Pinoy pop culture and legends against each other.

Below are sample of the creatures that fought to the death! Makes me wish there was a real video that featured all these characters!
Tikbalang vs Sigbin

Undin vs Sirena

Bungisngis vs Nuno sa Punso

Kapre vs Babae sa Balete

TikTik vs Tiyanak

Words by Anton Umali and Gelo Gonzales
Art by Mervin del Mundo (Robot with a Smile)


  1. Tikbalang VS Sigbin would be nice

  2. It would be cool if there was a video game featuring these creatures. :D

  3. Yet another excuse... erm, reason to buy FHM "for the articles."
