Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seven Gifts of the Skygods

Seven Gifts of the Skygods

They descended from the heavens,
riding winged beasts that breathed fire.

Their eyes had turned night into day.

To the fathers of seven tribes
they each bestowed a gift.

“You are our chosen people.” They said.
“Put your faith in us and you shall inherit the earth.”

And though they spoke in strange tongues
that echoed like thunder,
our hearts understood every word.

Written by: Mervin Ignacio
These illustrations were part of the recent RE:VISION exhibit.


  1. hi! is this in full comic book form or were they just illustrations for the exhibit? if this is in full comic book form, where can i get a copy? they look awesome! :)

  2. hi sir budjette! is this in full comic book form or were they drawn solely for the exhibit? they look awesome! if this is part of an actual graphic novel, where can i get a copy? :)

  3. the guy's one good illustrator
    ang ganda naman ng illustration ng balanghai baka naman maloka mga taga amin
    thanks for sharing this
