Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rocket Kapre takes off!!!


Taking our cue from SF Signal, in Rocket Round Table, we pose a single question to those who toil in the fields of Philippine SF. Our aim is to promote reflection and discussion, as well as to simply compare notes on the genre we know and love. This month we ask the question

What is your favorite Filipino-created Speculative Fiction story?

The story can be prose or komiks, a movie or a television show… any medium by which a narrative can be told is fair game. One caveat though: let’s limit ourselves to works whose authorship is certain, and not Philippine myths/legends. In other words, Florante and Laura qualifies but “Ang Alamat ng Pinya” doesn’t. Let’s leave those for another day. ^_^

Here are the first batch of answers–I’ll compile any further replies in a subsequent post.

Yvette Tan: [Blog]
==Yvette’s fiction and non-fiction has appeared in so many venues online and offline that I truly believe she could put together an entire magazine all by her self. Her stories have been recognized by the Palanca Awards, the Philippine Graphic Fiction Awards and the 2008 Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. Her first short story collection, “Waking the Dead,” was released just last month to stellar reviews.==

Mine would be Luis Katigbak’sDear Distance” for the imagery [Ed. Note: An excerpt can be found here.] , Arnold Arre’s Andong Agimat [Ed. Note: Dedicated blog is here.] and Budjette Tan’s Trese series [Ed. Note: Blog and the first seven issues in full can be found here.], the last two because of the well crafted storytelling and use of horror elements in a distinctly Pinoy setting.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning the site Budjette! I'm a big fan of Trese as well... I hope I can get you on the blog soon, for interviews and all sorts of craziness ^_^
